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Space Game Concept

"Concept Screen" I was learning player movement for a new RPG I am building for. After setting the camera and the controls, a spark of creativity hit me and I decided to play around with the unity editor a bit. I added a sprite and connected it to the player using a hinge joint. This allowed the player to swing the new club sprite around using the movement controls.

I enjoyed this mechanic and decided to add some red triangles as enemies. I had some fun seeing how fast I could get the club moving around before hitting the triangles. As of right now you can swing the club around and destroy the enemy objects. For the next steps, I would like to add some code to make the enemies spawn and make the game endless. A game also needs to end, so I was thinking of adding damage to player. Adding some scoring and a start and pause menu would also be a good idea. An interesting idea for scoring is to make the score multiplier dependant on the swing speed. As well as a criteria for combos, where the next hit should be in the opposite direction to keep the combo going.

After a bit more time I added, a main menu. With some space to potentially record the highscore for future players. "Main Menu"

I also added some basic scoring mechanism, for right now the player gets 25 points for destroying the asteroids.

"Enemies and Scoring"

To be aligned with the space theme of this game, I think the earlier waves should give the feeling of floating away in space, being helpless. In later waves the player might go through space clutter that might be harder to navigate.